Auricular Therapy Seminar - Basic & Advanced


$550.00* If registered 30 days before seminar date (includes certification fee)

$650.00* thereafter (includes certification fee)

(See special offers under Discount Opportunities)

*Includes a pocket size atlas ($60.00 value), an extensive seminar syllabus, light breakfast, light lunch & refreshments

Learn the entire Auricular Therapy system. Why settle for only a fraction of it?

The acupuncture microsystem of the ear is one of the most sophisticated tools that could be used for both

diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. Since its introduction in the 1950’s by Dr. Paul Nogier of France, this method has gained unprecedented popularity among acupuncture practitioners.

Auricular Therapy, Three Phases of Nogier, Seven Frequencies of Treatment

This seminar will introduce practitioners to the fundamental basics of

    • auricular therapy
    • 3 phases of Nogier
    • 7 frequencies of treatment.

In this course, practitioners will learn how to use this system to gain vital information that will help in formulating accurate energetic diagnosis. Through the three phase system, the practitioner will learn the various projections of the body organs on the ears which will provide a strong tool for treatment far exceeding the results obtained by using the simpler functional Chinese ear acupuncture system. Learning the 7 Nogier frequencies will add greater dimensions for treatment effectiveness. This unique system will be a potent addition to your contemporary biomedical or medical acupuncture practice

Auricular Therapy Basic Course Outline



9:00 am-10:45 am

Historical perspectives

Anatomy/ embryology/ innervation of the ear

Nogier's discovery

Indications and contraindications


The acupuncture microsystem/ Holographic brain memory

Somatotopy of the ear

Auricular Phase 1somatotopy

Mesodermal organs Somatotopy

Clinical practice of point identification


Lunch (provided)


Endodermal Organs Somatotopy

Ectodermal organs Somatotopy

Clinical practice of point identification


Clinical practice of point identification and treatment

Auricular zones and active points

Auricular points versus acupuncture points

Introduction to energetic blockages



Comparison between Nogier’s Somatotopy and Chinese functional charts

Auricular consultation

Auricular evaluation (Visual, manual, electrical, energetic)

Clinical Practice


Differences between the external and mastoid surfaces

Genesis (source) zones

Treating right or left ear

Auricular treatment strategy

Auricular points polarity

Introduction to the 7 Nogier frequencies and zones

Needles, electrical devices, laser devices, magnets, beads, pellets

Zones and points Clinical Practice of treatment choices


Lunch (provided)


Treating medical conditions



Addressing Psych-emotional disorders

Addressing Learning disabilities

Addressing Special functional zones