Please download the appropriate paperwork from the options listed below. A completed copy is required at the time of your appointment. Printed documents must be one-sided and on letter-size paper, otherwise you will be asked to fill out a new packet upon arrival.
If you schedule just a Consultation or a Consultation and pain management treatment (Acupuncture, Electrical Stimulation, Trigger Point Injection) and then choose to receive a Homeopathic Evaluation, you will need to return for that separate appointment.
Paperwork for ALL CHILDREN
ALL children under 18 must have a parent/guardian complete the following, Click HERE
Paperwork for ALL ADULTS
ALL adults who have scheduled an appointment must complete the following Click HERE
Paperwork for ADULTS receiving a holistic eval
In addition to the adult paperwork, adults who have also scheduled a Holistic/Homeopathic Evaluation must complete the following Click HERE